
The question “Where do you collect 만화사이트 추천 your ideas?” is, without a doubt, the most common one I get from aspiring cartoonists. Some people tend to think that only veteran cartoonists are privy to the secret method that can produce an endless stream of gags. It is not true.

Creative problem-solving is the most challenging part of our jobs, and it’s a skill that only the most successful of us have learned to hone. If you can perfect the cartooning brainstorm, you’ll have an endless supply of ideas at your disposal.

Even while there isn’t a clear, 3-step approach for hosting your own Cartooning Brainstorm session, there are a few basics to consider as you launch your cartooning career.

As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect.”

If you want to improve at something, you need to do it repeatedly. This is true whether your goal is to become a better musician, athlete, or comedian. You have to keep at it and put forth effort each day.

Just sitting down and making a concerted effort to generate funny concepts is ground zero of your profession, and it will grow easier the more you do it. To steal an old Nike slogan: “Just Do It.”

You should always 일본 만화사이트 carry a sketchbook

If you want to be a part of the cartooning community, your sketchbook is your ticket. Carry it with you and use it to get things done whenever you have a spare moment during the day. It’s natural to question, “What times?” True, everyone is busy far too busy, in fact but there are still times of day when you can find a few minutes to doodle or write. Whether you’re waiting for the doctor, in line at the grocery store, at a red light, or in the theater before the movie starts, there are plenty of opportunities throughout the day and week to make the most of your time.

Observe with a keen awareness

Think of yourself as a reporter covering your own life and document everything that piques your curiosity. Humor can 무료 만화사이트 wait, too. Keep a journal in which you record everything that captures your attention, whether it’s funny, interesting, unusual, disturbing, etc. Don’t try to censor your crazy ideas right now; just pay attention and jot them down. You can use these realizations as jumping-off points for your creative sessions.

dora the explorer’s cartoon lesson

Consume Cognitive 해외 만화사이트 Sustaining Nutrients Regularly

Like I said before, you need to give your brain the fuel it needs to function properly. Take the time to educate yourself! Learn new information by reading, writing, and doodling. You may turn watching TV into a learning experience by keeping a sketchbook handy and making notes on everything that catches your eye.

The transformation of that documentary about two African tribes beating the living crap out of each other with sticks into a legendary cartoon would turn an hour of mindless TV watching into an enlightening educational experience. Developing a natural curiosity and openness to new ideas is already a step in the right direction.

Take these ideas and go with them. Sit down with your sketchbook when you’re ready to start coming up with concepts. Get some quiet time alone and start sliding your pencil across the paper. Look over your notes and reread your research to begin making connections. See if there is anything that makes you laugh. In that case, don’t miss out!